You know, the one they redid in the Office when Michael Scott left? Some large number of hours? Well, here's the progress report:
1:19:42 - length of the current 'rough cut' of the film
1:22:40 - length of edited interviews with John P. - that is, usable footage I'd love to include
4:42:41 - length of the edited interviews with the ~20 people in the film - again, 100% usable footage I'd love to include
0:29:12 - length of T.A.C. DVD, edited for use
0:31:06 - length of random extras I'd like to include
6:15:19 - length of the marathon interview I did with John which will be edited down into usable footage this week
4:48:12 - length of footage of John doing his talks which I'd love to use, but needs to be edited
0:10:00- King-Cat readings set to their images by KC readers
So, I've got just about a nine hour movie, with about eleven hours left to edit. No biggie.
Tomorrow I'm interviewing Jason Heller, and hopefully, Doug M. Also need to do a Skype interview with Patrick Porter and this morning I wrote to Robert Schneider asking if he'd like to add a short video or reading. So add in a bit more for that all. Crikes!
Got two and half weeks to whittle that all down into a 75-80 minute piece. Yowza! Oh, and somewhere in here I need to get the kickstarter set up.
Wish me luck team!
Good luck! You got this.