Dates with an * are where he'll be screening the film as well. Unless I screw everything up, we'll also have DVDs for sale online and at all dates. Oh, and hopefully I'll be joining him for parts of the tour. We'll see!
TUES 9/16: TORONTO, ON, Beguiling @ Bloor Theatre*
WEDS 9/17: MONTREAL, QC, Librairie D+Q*
TH-F 9/18-19: WRJ, VT, Center for Cartoon Studies*
SAT 9/20: PROV., RI, Ada Books @ Cable Car Cinema*
SUN 9/21: BROOKLYN Book Festival @ Spectacle Theatre*
T-W 9/23-24: ROCHESTER NY, Monroe Community College*
THURS 9/25 PITTSBURGH, PA, Copacetic @ Harris Theatre*
FRI 9/26: COLUMBUS OH, Billy Ireland Library, OSU*
SAT 9/27: CHICAGO, IL, Quimby’s*
FRI 10/3: NASHVILLE, TN, Watkins College of Art and Design*
SAT 10/4: NASHVILLE, TN, Handmade and Bound Festival
SUN 10/5: BLOOMINGTON, IN, Boxcar Books*
10/17-19: CHICAGO, IL, Multiples Festival
SAT 11/8: MILWAUKEE, WI, Milwaukee Zine Fest
SAT-SUN 11/15-16: SEATTLE, WA, Short Run Festival, Seattle @ Central Cinema*
MON 11/17: PORTLAND, OR, Reading Frenzy @ Hollywood Theatre*
WEDS 11/19 SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Cartoon Art Museum*
MON 11/24: LAWRENCE, KS: Wonder Fair*
TUES 11/25: ST. LOUIS, MO, Enamel Gallery*