Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Song Without a Home

I've been working pretty good on the discography. The 'Ditch Trilogy', as it's called -- (Time Fades Away, On the Beach, Tonight's the Night) are pretty intense, so I've let myself drift up to Zuma a little. Not that Cortez the Killer is a 'light' number, but it takes the edge of the previous three off.

I'll do a longer write up in a few days, but I wanted to share this song. It's called 'Journey through the Past'. It didn't show up on the album or in the film of the same name, but rather on 'Time Fades Away', the live album Neil put out but really didn't like. I don't disagree with him -- Time Fades Away is pretty disjointed, not that inviting and all-in-all a difficult record to get into, BUT every time I've played it, this sad gem has jumped out at me.

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